Vibrant 'Luna' digital art canvas by FluRAnet with fluorescent detailing that glows under UV light,Vibrant 'Luna' digital art canvas by FluRAnet with fluorescent detailing that glows under UV light, showcasing mystical beauty and otherworldly visionsVibrant 'Luna' digital art canvas by FluRAnet with fluorescent detailing that glows under UV light, showcasing mystical beauty and otherworldly visionsVibrant 'Luna' digital art canvas by FluRAnet with fluorescent detailing that glows under UV light, showcasing mystical beauty and otherworldly visionsVibrant 'Luna' digital art canvas by FluRAnet with fluorescent detailing that glows under UV light, showcasing mystical beauty and otherworldly visionsVibrant 'Luna' digital art canvas by FluRAnet with fluorescent detailing that glows under UV light, showcasing mystical beauty and otherworldly visions Vibrant 'Luna' digital art canvas by FluRAnet with fluorescent detailing that glows under UV light, showcasing mystical beauty and otherworldly visions

Полотно – “Lúna” (“Лу́на”)


Digital Art;

Код: P-179
Производство: FluRAnet
Размеры: 1.3 m-1,5 m
Цвета: Flura

Категории: , ,


Digital Art;
Полотно  – “Lúna”   (“Лу́на”)
Полноцветная сублимационная, флуоресцентная печать на плотной ткани
Возможно выполнение под индивидуальный размер, установка люверсов или петель

Устойчиво к стиркам и выгоранию на солнце.

Автор – «FluRAnet»  H.K. ( Рукавицин Сергей)

©, Rukavytsyn S.V.,

®, Flurа, 2024


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