The story of one design
This story began in May 2010 when the Supreme Hare emerged from the hands of Nita Kravets.
The paint on the canvas had not yet dried when it was bought.
Oh, if only I had known what a hit it would be, I would never have sold the original. At that time, he was just “Zaychinyatko”.
In July 2012, Omsun created the layout “FluRAnet”, a branded booklet that is still printed as a business card. The banner with the image of the Supreme Hare traveled around the world, decorating the store at all festivals from 2012 to 2021.
What didn’t happen to the bunny over the years… it was stolen more often than any other design. Okay, Russia- there’s nothing sacred there! But when the Kyiv company stole it, it crossed all boundaries, and we had to take back the entire print run from the pirates with a huge compensation…
So the bunny won again!
In 2024, “N-zigo” and the “Artrama STUDIO” team significantly improved and adapted the design for printing on clothing. And here’s our old – new “Zaychinyatko” on a T-shirt. Fully fluorescent, sealed, with fluorescent sublimation, design.
Such a story happened with our bunny