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women’s longsleeve “LÚNA”


Author’s design, high-quality fluorescent sublimation print on dense fabric.

SKU: OK-185
Production: Fluranet / Produced by - Artrama-studio
Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL
Colors: Flura (UV ACTIV)

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The women’s longsleeve “LÚNA” represents a harmony of modern art and practical style.
The original fluorescent double-sided print is created in the Digital Art style.
The model is made from premium-class dense interlock fabric, which is characterized by its strength and durability.
The fluorescent sublimation print is resistant to external factors, multiple washes, and sun fading.
Under ultraviolet light, the image gains brightness and depth, coming to life and creating a mesmerizing magic effect.

Author – H.K. (FluRAnet).
Design adaptation for printing – Artrama-STUDIO.
© FluRAnet

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg