Autumnal Equinox

On September 22, on the day of the Autumnal Equinox, for 5 days we opened the portal in the FluRArium Eco Center with an exhibition of psychedelic art paintings and canvases, workshops in sculptural modeling and drawing … and of course music!

The day of the Autumnal Equinox is a special day. In addition to the fact that this is an official public holiday in Japan, which is of little interest to us )), the day of the autumnal equinox for almost all peoples has always been associated with mysticism and various magical rituals designed to appease higher powers.

For example, Mabon. That’s how the pagan Celts called the holiday of the second harvest, which was celebrated just in fall on the day of the equinox. It was included in the list of eight holidays of the Wheel of the Year – an ancient calendar in which key dates are precisely based on changes in the position of the Earth relative to the Sun.
The autumnal equinox equalizes day and night throughout the Earth.

It’s kind of one of the four days of the year – the day of the balance in nature when light and darkness are in an equal position of forces without dominance.

According to one version, the legendary megaliths of Stonehenge were built specifically for rituals in honor of astronomical changes – the equinox and solstice.

We marked this day by planting trees, visiting ancient sanctuaries.Throughout the time from 22 to 27, the works of artists were presented. Exhibition of paintings and canvases in the direction of Psychedelic art and visionary.Performance of the incredible project DVA DEREVA, DJ Gagarin ……. And many others D.J ..From 22.09 to 25.09 – master classes, lectures, expeditions to ancient sanctuaries took place.
